Michelle Williams-Ward
Building a brighter future for our children
I’m thrilled to invite you to take this journey with me. I am not a politician, but I am a concerned parent who wants the best for my children and yours.
Michelle's Mission
There are so many people in this world who never get the opportunity to do something great in the community. I feel that I have a chance to help the children, who will be running the District one day. We are living in unprecedented times therefore we need to be proactive in addressing the changing needs of the community. This will include getting students back in school with procedures outlined to keep them safe. It is imperative that we have a plan of action in case schools are closed so that the students can continue with their learning experience. Another issue we have to think about is fiscal responsibility and how to provide a great education on limited funds. Obtaining a School Board position is important to me because I absolutely love children and of course they are our future leaders. Being part of the School Board will give me an opportunity to bring a different perspective and diversity to the school district. I believe that the School Board should be culturally diverse in order to represent the whole community. I am a team player, I have a positive attitude and I am motivated to make sure that our future leaders, motivational speakers, activists, scientist, athletes, writers, artists and essential workers are safe.
All about Michelle
I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice from Central Michigan University. I have lived in Roseville for 15 years with my three children. Michonni recently graduated from Roseville High School, class of 2020. Christopher and Eion currently attend Roseville High School. I started my career at Macomb Correctional Facility in 1994 as a Corrections Officer.
Michelle's Career
Michelle has worked at Macomb Correctional Facility since 1994. Michelle started out as a Corrections Officer, she worked in the Control Center for about 3 years. Michelle then became a Regular Unit Officer (RUO). In both of these capacities she had to make sure that the prisoners followed the rules and regulations of the facility. Michelle moved on and became an Assistant Resident Unit Supervisor (ARUS), in this position, Michelle had to supervise the Corrections Officers. She had to make sure the unit was running adequately by paying the unit porters, ordering supplies, making sure prisoner files were updated so that she can report everything correctly when the Parole Board needed the information. Currently Michelle works as a Resident Unit Manager (RUM). Michelle supervises the Assistant Resident Unit Supervisor (ARUS), Prison Counselors (PC) and the Corrections Officers. Michelle oversees four Housing Units at Macomb Correctional Facility (MRF). She manages the highest security level prisoners at MRF. She is also over the RTP Unit which houses the Inpatient Mental Health prisoners. Michelle deals with people from a variety of backgrounds. She is always positive when dealing with all staff and prisoners. Michelle has worked at Macomb Correctional Facility for 26 years, during that time she has met a lot of young men who seem extremely lost. Michelle taught a class called Life Skills, a four part class which included: Cage Your Rage, Time Management, Multi-cultural Diversity and Time management. She also taught a cognitive class called Thinking for a Change. Although Michelle was the teacher in the class, she stated that she learned a lot about the differences in the way that people live. A lot of these men stated that they did not think they would make it to 20 years old. Michelle states that this was so hard for her to imagine. Michelle believes that if they were taught more positive aspects of life, maybe they would be more productive in life.

Michelle is active in our community. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Omega Xi Omega Chapter. She has been a Girl Scout Troop Leader/Volunteer for 13 years. She was a Cub Scout Den Mother for 5 years. Michelle helps in the community with her church, Covenant Missionary Temple.  Every second and fourth Saturday Michelle has actively helped her church during their Food Ministry pass out Forgotten Harvest food to the community. We are proud to have distributed over one million pounds of food to the community since 2012. Michelle is always willing to help.

Covenant Missionary Temple Church Family
Michelle is actively involved in all aspects of her church. Whatever needs to be done she is willing and able to get it completed. Michelle is one of the Youth Sunday School Teachers.

Girl Scout Leader
Michelle has been a Girl Scout Leader/Volunteer for 13 years. She said that the experience with the Girl Scouts was excellent, some of the girls had the opportunity to go on adventures that they would not have had if they were not involved in Girl Scouts.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Omega Xi Omega Chapter
Michelle is actively involved in her sorority. She works on committees that help people in the community. They have adopted a family for Christmas, provided literacy workshops, and held conferences on Breast Cancer health. AKAs stand strong on their service to all mankind.

Macomb Correctional Facility Employee Club-Vice President
Michelle was part of Macomb Correctional Facilities Employee Club for 6 years. During her time on the Employee Club, she helped organize events for the employee and their families such as Christmas Luncheons, Picnics at the park and softball games.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"
Dr. Martin Luther King